Another OPDMD, the Glion Balto

The Glion Balto appears to be a scooter/moped that will be very useful as a mobility aid. It’s only on pre-order right now, so I don’t have it yet, but I put my order in and I’m scheduled to get it in November. The pre-order as of November 2nd 2020, is about $200 less than the stated regular price right now. Check out the website:
The scooter is said to go about 17mph and travel for 20 miles with a single charge of the battery. The battery is also swappable if you have a second one, but I didn’t order a second yet. I want to be sure it’ll work well for me first.
I’m hoping that it won’t take much energy to travel a distance on it, as my current outdoor and offroad scooter the Triad takes a bit of effort to keep myself on the flat chair as I ride along when my son is biking. This scooter has a large seat with a little bit of spring as well so we’ll see.
This is also supposed to be able to fold up nicely so I’m hoping it’ll fit in my Prius sort of like the SnapNGo that I have as well.

I can’t wait to get it so I can try it out and ride it around with my son while he bikes. I’ll be sure to post about it as soon as possible.